Sunday 8 September 2013

The Annual Haircut

The locks have been flowing around here for some time.  Steve tends to have an annual haircut around September, when his hair begins to annoy him.  The day arrived this week and I thought I'd mark the occasion with photographs.
 Here we have the 'before' shots

And here is the lad after his appointment with the hairdresser.  Look at those natural ash streaks eh, ha ha.  He can be happy now using a thimbleful of shampoo and having hair that dries in a minute.
Steve has been busy making the official sign for the hen house and yard.  The House Of Chic was carefully etched into a nice piece of jarrah, then painted and varnished.  Looks pretty darn good eh!
We had a delightful visit from Angie this weekend.  She had the experience of voting with us in a tiny community hall as an absentee vote, then we choofed into Denmark for a wander round, culminating in lunch at the Denmark Tavern.
Angie and I got busy digging up grass in my overgrown garden and we thought the hens might like to join us.  This was their first occasion of free-ranging, I carried them one at a time and dropped them over the fence into my garden.  They had the BEST time, right in the thick of it all, to the point that we had to watch where we trod and put our tools.  Every time we spaded or forked up a clump of grass, the girls were stomping around in the hole, grabbing worms and slaters and other delectable titbits.  It made weeding a lot more fun too.  :-)
 We have had 48 eggs now, so two of the hens have paid for themselves.  We are getting 2 or 3 eggs  day for the most part which is terrific.

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